Nepal Govt. Regd. No. 1224/064, SWC Affiliation No. 22612

Ross Emslie - Sponsor

Ross Emslie

Ross Emslie is a Mechanical Engineer working as a consultant specializing in dynamics and fatigue of metal structures. Ross was a Venture Leader in the Scouting movement for many years where he mentored teenagers and passed on his knowledge and love of the Australian bushland.

Ross was inspired by the story of Allan Waldon and Prem Khatry who saw the need to improve the education opportunities for young children of the Gorkha District. Through their efforts Sambhav Nepal was born and now has a long history of completed school and community projects… “From little things big things grow”.

After the earthquake when damaged classrooms were not even completed,  a fire caused by an unexpected lightning destroyed the main building of Bhairabi Primary School that made teaching and learning at Bhairabi extra stressful. Ross had a desire to assist in rebuilding of the damaged classrooms and construction of a new Computer Laboratory.

On behalf of Bhairabi and the village we would like to thank Ross for his generosity and hope to receive his support in our future endeavors.